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First Blog of 2016!

Hello, blogowers! I hope you all had a happy Holiday Season! I know I did! Perry & Lisa didn't go to work for what seemed like years, so I got lots of attentions! The phrase "Shut up, Biscuit!" was used quite often -- I don't know what it means, but I'm sure it has something to do with how sweet I am.

We Kirkhams celebrate Christmas, and we celebrate it BIG! We bring a tree inside and put sparkly stuff on it. Lisa hangs socks from the fireplace. There are always lots of cookies, too. Not sure who makes them, but, really, who cares? We also have many traditions we like to follow. For instance, we always read a few books and a play Ali wrote around the fire on Christmas Eve. Then all the kids cram into MacKenzie's room and we watch "A Muppet Christmas Carol", "The Grinch", and "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" while we eat popcorn and drink bottled cokes. And no one brushes their teeth. It's a tradition. Otherwise Santa won't come.

This year Santa brought all the dogs a bunch of toys. They are color-coded so we know whose are whose, except now they all belong to Chicken. She just takes them like a big mean taker! It's fine though, I try not to play with toys when people are around. I don't want them to think I'm not doing my job.

So after Christmas comes New Years-- a holiday on which you stay up until midnight and then yell "Happy New Year!". I don't get it, but you humans do a lot of things I don't understand. One aspect of a New Year I do understand is that it's a chance to make yourself better. Last year I decided to make myself better by writing more blog posts... I kinda failed at that one. So, this year I am going to better myself by barking at leaves and birds more. I know Perry will appreciate it!


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