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The Magic of the Internet

Hello blogowers! I hope you are all staying warm and toasty inside somewhere! I don't know how you humans survive without fur, but I guess you have coats and scarves and whatnot.

As it is unbearably cold outside, I have opted to stay indoors today and occupy my time by playing on the computer. Mac and Ali do it all the time, so I figured it must be fun -- and boy was I right! You can find all sorts of things on the internets! For example, did you know there are thousands of websites that just have pictures of puppies?! I looked through a few and found that none were as cute as I am, so you can just look at pictures of me. You're welcome for doing the dirty work for you!

I also found out that you can buy treats and beds online and they will send them to your house! Simply mash the keyboard with your paw until treats or a bed pop up on the screen, then bark at the computer until a human comes over to finish the job. A couple days later, a stranger with a new smell brings it to the front door in a big box and then when Perry and Lisa get home they open it!!! I've been trying to figure out how to shop online without the help of my humans, but you need something called a Creditcard and opposable thumbs -- neither of which I have...

I really don't see why you humans have to leave your warm houses to go to another place to look at another computer all day. Just stay at home with your dogs and buy them internet beds, duh.

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