Wea Creek Orchard offers a wide variety of fresh produce including: apples, peaches, and pumpkins.
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Wea Creek Orchard offers between 15 and 20 variations of apples and any given time. All of our trees are dwarf trees that grow between 8 and 12 feet tall, the perfect height for picking. Check out our selection below.
Myra Red Fuji
Light creamy flesh with a slightly aromatic sweetness; Stores very well; Very firm eating apple
Mid-Late Oct.
Grand Gala
Premier dessert apple; with its mild sweet taste and thin skin it is a great choice for kids. This new variety is about 50% larger than the traditional gala; Extra big, extra sweet, and extra crispy!
Early Sept.
Pacific Gala
Sweet and pleasant flavored Gala that stores extremely well; great for salads and sauces
Mid Aug
Rubinstar - Jonagold
Tangy and sweet; a quality dessert apple best used for pies and sauces; a beautifully intense red apple. Jonathan x Golden Delicious cross. Will store for up to 3 months
Late Sept. - Early Oct.
Ruby Jon
Ruby Jon offers the same creamy, white flesh and crisp, juicy eating quality of the old-fashioned Jonathan, but earlier in the season
Late Aug- Mid Sept.
Red Jonagold
Tangy, sweet honey-tart flavor; very juicy; makes for an excellent pie, sauce or salad apple
Early Sept.
Royal Empire
Great all-purpose apple; aromatic and crisp like a McIntosh with better flavor and color; makes a wonderful cider. McIntosh x Red Delicious cross
Late Sept.
Golden Delicious
Firm, crisp, flavorful flesh; a mildly sweet to early October distinctive flavor; great for sauces and pies
Mid- September
Dandee Red
Great early apple with a pleasingly tart, crisp, creamy white flesh. Large apple with approximately 3 month storage life
Late Aug.
September Wonder Fuji
All the sweetness and crunch of Fuji, but 6 weeks sooner (the earliest Fuji available)! Very sweet and aromatic flavor that improves in storage
Mid- Sept.
Golden fruit color, sweet and mildly tart flavor; great for Baking; Golden Delicious x Cox Orange Pippin cross; stores up to 6 months
Mid Oct
Gibson Golden Delicious
Good firmness and flavor; great for eating and sauces
Late Sept.
Sweet as honey, one of the great taste sensations in apple eating; also great for juice. Honeygold x Macoun cross, flesh is slow to brown
Sept.- Early Oct.
Pixie Crunch
Smaller than a Gala but a very crisp apple. Great eating apple that is juicy and full of flavor.
Mid Sept.
Mollie Delicious
Large, sweet apple. Great apple for baking and eating. Nice and juicy snack to have on a hot day.
Late Aug.-Early Sept.
Extra sweet, extra crunchy apple similar to a Gala. Great apple for children because of their size. Medium size apple.
Late Aug.-Early Sept.
Balance of sweet and tart. Firm and juicy apple. Medium size.
Mid-Late Aug.
Wea Creek Orchard offers three types of peaches at our orchard. Learn more about them below.
Glowing Star
Very large freestone peach with a melting, yellow flesh; does not brown when cut
Late Aug.- Early Sept.
Coral Star
A freestone peach that has wonderful flavor; the coral red fruit does not brown when cut! great dessert peach; also good for baking, canning, and freezing
Mid- Late Aug.
Autumn Star
Bright yellow firm but melting flesh with an excellent flavor; good all-purpose peach
mid-late Sept.
We plant between 10 and 15 varieties of pumpkins each year. The majority of those are jack-o-lantern pumpkins that respond differently to varying weather conditions, hopefully ensuring that we can supply the shapes, sizes and quantities sought by our customers year after year. In addition, we plant colored, small but uniformly shaped, and edible baking pumpkins for customers looking for something unique.