Mar 24, 2015
Good Excuse
Hello blogowers! I just want to say how sorry I am about not giving you a new blog post to read in so long! I'm also sorry that the last...
Feb 26, 2015
From Doree the dog
In my opinion, dogged as it might be, Biscuit has had enough blog time without a rebuttal. She sees herself as "queen" of the Kirkham...
Feb 25, 2015
The Magic of the Internet
Hello blogowers! I hope you are all staying warm and toasty inside somewhere! I don't know how you humans survive without fur, but I...
Feb 15, 2015
Friday the 13th and V-Day!
Hello blogowers! I'm blogging pretty early this morning because this weekend has been filled with so many things, I've hardly slept! (And...
Feb 4, 2015
Winter Blues
Hello blogowers, your favorite dog is back again to give you a blog! That rhymed! I’m so funny and creative! Well, my friends, as you...
Jan 22, 2015
Birthday Happenings
Hello my dear blogowers! As you may have heard, I just celebrated a birthday! I am now 11 years old, or in dog years 77. Luckily I am a...

Jan 11, 2015
Bath Day
This morning has been a roller coaster ride of emotions, my dear blogowers! Please feel sorry for poor old me! It all started this...
Jan 5, 2015
Happy New Year!
Hello blogowers! As you may know, the year has changed and it is now 2015. The new year crept up really quietly, so don’t worry if you...
Dec 25, 2014
It’s here, blogowers! It’s finally Christmas! I’ve been so excited about everything that’s happened, that I haven’t blogged in a while!...
Dec 16, 2014
Web Stuff
Hi my faithful blogowers! I have some really big and exciting news! The orchard is getting a new website so that my blog will reach a lot...