First Blog of 2016!
Hello, blogowers! I hope you all had a happy Holiday Season! I know I did! Perry & Lisa didn't go to work for what seemed like years, so...
Jan 12, 2016
Biscuit Returns
Hello, my wonderfully patient blogowers! I'm sure it was awful not hearing from me for the past few months. Some of you came to see me...
Dec 2, 2015
Vet Visit
Hello my wonderful, loyal blogowers! I know you've been worried about my absence from the blog lately. You were right to worry -- I've...
Aug 11, 2015
The Market Approaches!
Hello my loyal blogowers, I've missed you! Did you miss me? Of course you did! I know you're all dying to know what I've been up to, so...
Jul 17, 2015

The 6th of July
Hello my wonderful blogowers! I hope you all had a great holiday weekend filled with hot dogs and sparklers and fun! I know we did! Now,...
Jul 6, 2015
May Flowers bring June Thunder
Oh, my dear sweet blogowers -- how I've missed you! I think about you often, but it seems I never have time to write! Sometimes life gets...
Jun 24, 2015

Market Stuff
Hello everyone! I want to apologize for not blogging sooner, but in between all the work that needs to be done and Perry hogging the...
May 18, 2015

First Birthdays
Good morning, blogowers! I hope you all had good weekends and the weddings at your house went well! Oh, not everyone has weddings at...
May 4, 2015

Today is basically Saturday
Good morning, blogowers! I hope you had a good Earth Day! I'm not exactly sure what an Earth Day is, but I saw it on Facebook, so it must...
Apr 23, 2015

Wedding Season is Coming...
Hello blogowers! I've missed you, did you miss me? Of course you did! The past few weeks have been filled with a lot of things, but...
Apr 7, 2015